
Main EU-Ukraine Cooperation News. January, 2016

EU-Ukraine Cooperation news, January, 2016

Main EU-Ukraine Cooperation News
January, 2016
EU Export Helpdesk gaining popularity among Ukrainian exporters
In the first two weeks of 2016, Ukrainian exporters were the most active users of the EU Export Helpdesk, an online support service for exporters. The number of Ukrainian visitors to the site reached almost 900 during this period. Read more

Priority No. 1: EU expects further reforms in Ukraine
Reforms in Ukraine have always been a priority for the European Union, which directs financial and technical support to the country and uses various incentives to encourage positive change. Unfortunately, over the past two years, Ukraine and its European partners have jointly been preoccupied with more acute, immediate issues. Read more

European volunteering: A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
Oksana Yanush from Lviv works as a European Voluntary Service (EVS) volunteer in Germany. In her normal life, she is a freelance journalist and photographer whose work can be found at Studway, Hromadske radio, and on her blog, oksanayanush.com.ua. Right now, though, she is far removed from her journalist life, trying out something totally different. Read more


Ukraine concludes Twinning project on land market development
On January, 2, Kyiv hosted the final press conference for the EU-funded Twinning project, "Assistance in Development of an Open and Transparent Agricultural Land Market in Ukraine." The project, which had a budget of €1.8 million, was implemented by a consortium consisting of the Netherlands, Germany, and Lithuania. Read more

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